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DasCode admin template is built using gulp , Nunjucks & tailwindcss. To install the DasCode admin template, you will need to follow a few steps. Firstly, make sure that you have Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) installed on your system. If you don't have them installed, you can download and install them from the official Node.js website.


We built this template to be easy to customize. All styles are fully developed with SCSS, you can easily change this template style. Working with HTML templates can get frustrating because of same code is present on every page. With some simple logic, use includes, variables and more on HTML. So We built this template’s pages with Nunjucks. Nunjucks is an HTML templating engine that provides many useful features such as template inheritance, variables, modulation, and more for building HTML pages.

This template comes with Gulp to make your development easier. The build tools provide an easy way to organize, compile, and bundle assets. This template has organized directory structure for easy to understand and maintainability.


How do I check my node version?

Run below command in your terminal:

node -v

Make sure output version is LTS version.

How do I check my npm version?

Run below command in your terminal:

npm -v

Make sure output version is LTS version.


Yarn package manager is recommended

Step. 1: Getting started

  1. Download our DashCode - Admin Dashboard Template from your ThemeForest account.

  2. After downloading zip from ThemeForest, Unzip file and select (DashCode HTML-v1.0.0).

  3. Open this folder in console / terminal

  4. Run below commands:

    # It will install all packages
    yarn install
    # It will start the development server
    yarn dev


    If you are using an older node version and getting errors while installing the app then run the command "yarn install --ignore-engines" command instead of "yarn install"

  5. Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser


After running the application all html files will be generate inside dist folder.


If you have any issues regarding installation please follow our guide on getting support for our product.

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